Archive for October, 2017

“[The] number of fatal drug overdoses has doubled every eight years for the past 37. “

October 29, 2017

“This Utah teen carried a teammate with a broken leg across the finish line”

October 25, 2017


18 Apr 1978 – BYU Idaho Devotionals” – Her Conversion Story – Doctor Anne G. Osborn, Neuro-radiologist at the UofU Med. School

October 24, 2017

Tonight I listened to this inspiring and uplifting message.

“When [new AI program AlphaGo Zero] played against the version of AlphaGo that first beat [a top human Go Master], it won by 100 games to zero.”

October 23, 2017


“AlphaGo Zero is designed to avoid all these problems by skipping the training-wheels phase entirely. The program starts only with the rules of the game and a “reward function”, which awards it a point for a win and docks a point for a loss. It is then encouraged to experiment, repeatedly playing games against other versions of itself, subject only to the constraint that it must try to maximise its reward by winning as much as possible . . . But an algorithm that can learn without guidance from people means that machines can be let loose on problems that people do not understand how to solve.”

“We are touched when we see the suffering and great needs of those halfway around the world, but we may fail to see there is a person who needs our friendship sitting right next to us…”

October 22, 2017